Sunday, January 19, 2014

Using the Catalog

If we're going to build gigantic Jamberry business empires or even tiny Jamberry pay-the-car-payment businesses, we're going to have to build a network of contacts. Some of those contacts we've already met. They're part of our LIST. Other contacts are future people we haven't met yet. Among future contacts are people we are deliberately looking for when we're out prospecting for our business, and people we happen to run into when our business is the last thing on our minds (if that's possible).

Professionals in network marketing are always ready to build their network of contacts. They exchange business cards with people they meet and usually carry some prospecting tool that they hand out to people that requires a follow up. Many carry a CD or DVD that explains their business opportunity or their products as a type of introduction that prepares them for a more in-depth presentation of their business. Network marketers make everyone they meet a deliberate relationship with the intention of becoming friends.

We are so fortunate in Jamberry Nails. We have a terrific tool to help us with exposure. It couldn't be better designed than it is to work for us. It's the catalog. Anyone who has ever had a copy made at Staples knows it's no cheap thing. Add color on one glossy sheet of paper, and it could be over a dollar a copy. That's one of the reasons the Jamberry Nails catalog is so awesome. It's inexpensive. We would expect to pay more than 60 cents for a full color, professionally made, magazine-quality book. We can't get one color copy on regular paper for that! So Jamberry Nails hooks us up with a terrific marketing tool at an awesome price.

While the price of the catalog is sweet, the multifaceted way it can be used is the real benefit. Has someone seen your nails at the store and wondered if there's a style she would love? Pull out a catalog. She'll get hundreds of styles in full color right before her eyes. Or maybe you've told a girl working at a mall kiosk that you actually get paid to wear your nails, and she wants to know how. You pull a catalog out of your purse and show her the basic business opportunity from the back. Maybe that same girl thinks it sounds great, but wonders if people are really making money from it. You can just point out some of the very real and normal ladies who have placed small biographies throughout the catalog. Maybe one of your friends is thinking about hosting a party and wants to know what's in it for her. You can pull out a catalog and show her the rewards in the back. So whether you're talking about shopping for nails, hosting a party, or joining your team, the catalog is the perfect introduction for each.

When we hand someone a catalog, we are giving them a tool with unlimited potential for future sales and business partners. Someone may take a catalog from you merely wanting to buy some nails, sit down with it at home, and get so fired up over the products that she wants to know how she can profit from it as well. And right there in the catalog is just enough information to get her excited about the possibilities. She sees the front end compensation plan and the very low cost to join. We very well might a get a call back from someone we weren't even expecting.

So here's how a prospecting encounter might happen using a catalog. Remember, this is just a possible script. We're not all that worried about saying just the right things. The more basic, the better, since there's nothing complex about our business. It's so easy to let the catalog do all the work.

Picture it. We're walking the mall with a pack of catalogs in our purse. We might be in the mall deliberately to make contacts because malls put people with money to spend in a place where they can spend it and foster a mood to purchase. Or we might be there because our business is going so well, we're there to buy some clothes to match our newest nail wraps! Either way, we never leave the house without a pack of catalogs on our person at all times (unless you don't care about making money in this business).

We happen to see a fashionable, confident looking woman browsing the racks in a store. There are any number of ways to talk to her, once we decide that we WILL talk to her and nothing catastrophic is going to happen. Sea levels won't rise. Children won't cry. Animals won't go into a frenzy in neighboring homes. No one will look up from their shopping. Employees won't stop working and look for the source of the noise. We're just going to be our friendly selves and talk about something we love!

Talk to her. We have nothing to be embarrassed about in this business. We have an awesome product that women love. Not only that, we have people asking us to be part of our team all the time. They take one look at our catalog or our nails and just instinctively know that women everywhere would buy them. So they know it's easy money. The only reason that nearly every woman in any mall in America right now isn't enthralled by Jamberry Nails is because we have not done a good enough job yet in making them AWARE that they even exist. If we make women AWARE, then they will tell us what part they want to play in our business: customer, hostess, or team-member.

So here's a possible straightforward way of talking to a woman at the mall. “Excuse me, can you help me?” She's probably not going to say, “NO. Go away!” If she does say that, then simply go away. Easy, right? When she acknowledges you, hold up the catalog and just say, “I'm expanding my business in this area and wondered if you know of anyone who'd be interested in these.” And we give her the catalog.

The woman is going to do one of two things. She's either going to take the catalog and continue the conversation with us, or she's going to brush us off in some manner. If she takes the catalog, then we just talk with her. We know how to talk, don't we? People don't mind hearing about new things if they're valuable. And Jamberry Nails are valuable. So we interact with her. Answer her questions. Most importantly, we let the catalog do the work. All we did was connect the catalog to someone who might love it. Or she might know someone who would.

If she says that SHE would be interested in them, then say, “If I give you this catalog, would you know of any friends who would also be interested. We specialize in home parties and you could get some great free stuff for hosting.” If she says yes, then pencil in a date then and there. If she says no, then offer the catalog to her anyway. It has your business information on the back and everything she needs to know in order to build excitement is IN the catalog. We need to let it work for us. We thank her for her time and move on the the next person.

Remember, it's all about the timing. It's not personal. The more people we make aware of Jamberry Nails, the greater the chances of finding the people who will fall in love with them and the business opportunity. The faster we do this, the more momentum we'll build and the more money we'll make. The flashy, unique nature of our product gives us an advantage over so many network marketing products out there. We don't have to work as hard to help our contacts see the value in our products. They see it immediately, on our hands and in the catalog.

On the back cover of every catalog is a space for our contact information. Though any method would probably work, we've found the 1” by 2 5/8” or similar sized printable label fits perfectly into this spot on the back. We can put our contact information including name, phone number, e-mail address, and our personal Jamberry Nails website. There are sites online where you can have labels printed up pretty reasonably in bulk.

All Jamberry Nails are purchased through an independent consultant (even on the Jamberry Nails website). Anyone who wants to sign up as a Jamberry Nails consultant must do so through the sponsorship of independent consultants. This enables every catalog to be used as a self-contained prospecting tool.

Because women who want to purchase products, host a party, or join the business have to do so through an already existing consultant, it's never a “waste” to give away catalogs. Do not be stingy with them! Give them out to anyone who'll take them. Of course, it's always most beneficial to speak with the people we're giving the catalog to. But because of the high profile nature of our product, it's not crucial. People will still be intrigued by the product and the business plan, even if all they have to go off of is a catalog.

So we give the catalogs to folks on our LIST. We give them to folks we run into while we're out. We prospect with the catalog and try to book parties with friends, family, and folks we meet on the go. We can even gain referrals from men we run into if we hand them a catalog and ask them if they know of anyone who'd be interested in the nail wraps. In short, we hand the catalog out like the eye candy it is. We don't think of the cost, because the potential benefits outweigh the cost.

It's been said that anything worth doing is worth doing well. That's true, which is why we seek to be as intentional and perfect as possible in making contacts. However, the opposite is also true. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing! So, if contacting new people about our business is worth doing, it's worth doing as well as we can with what we have. On the other hand, if contacting new people about our business is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly if that's all we can do at any given time.

So, perhaps we're sitting alone in the dentist's office, thinking of all the business building we could be doing if we weren't sitting in the dentist's office. Of course, we're rocking our nails and are ready to tell whoever asks that we get paid to wear them. And we're thinking of ways to tell the ladies working the desk. We're even wondering how we can tell the assistant with that suction hose down our mouth. But here's a little something we can do in the meantime. We can leave a catalog or two conspicuously on each table in the waiting area. Is it ideal? That depends. Do we believe the product sells itself or don't we?

Would it usually be better if we had a real life person to talk to while handing a catalog out? Yes. But is that the only thing we can do? Of course not. Leave them things everywhere. The oil change places in town. Doctor's offices. Dentists. Hair salons. Everywhere we see magazines laying around. If we only have five minutes to spare in a day, we can hand out twenty catalogs to the first twenty women who'll take them in the mall. Is it ideal? No. Is it worth doing anyway? That depends on how much we believe in our product. Maybe nothing will come of it. But it only take a few of the right people to see it and our business could change forever.

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