Sunday, January 19, 2014

Booking Parties of Opportunity

You should be able to keep a steady stream of new contacts coming your way by adding everyone at your parties to your list. You'll also learn from being in a network marketing type business that new people are all around you. Your eyes open up to the opportunities to make new friends when before you got in this business, you wouldn't have given these people a second glance.

Remember, companies like Jamberry Nails pay us so well because we train ourselves so hard to become people persons. We get paid based on the new people we continually make aware of their products and business opportunity. So we not only want to be working through our list and adding to our list from the parties we do. We also want to add to our list from being out and about on a daily basis.

So here's how the process works for our business with people not on our list. When we're out and about and rocking our nails and someone just has to know about them, the best thing to do is say something like, “They're called Jamberry nail wraps and I actually get paid to wear them. They're a pretty new company and you can't get them in stores. They're quick and easy to put on and affordable and stick water-tight for a couple weeks. Women are just loving them. Do you know anyone who'd like to wear nails like this?”

Now, most ladies can think of plenty of friends and family who'd like to at least explore the idea of wearing Jamberry Nails. They're pretty cool. The lady we're talking to probably wants to know more about them. So she's probably going to say Yes. But if she says No, you can offer her a catalog in case she changes her mind (and she very well might when she sees it!) and let her go about her day. Maybe she'll book a party in the future. Maybe she won't. Maybe she'll become a customer. Maybe not. No pressure either way.

Remember, you're not a salesperson. You're a connector of Jamberry Nails to women who just have to have Jamberry Nails. If this woman says she doesn't know anyone who would just have to have them, then take her word for it and go about your day. Isn't that easy? There are thousands of other women who would love to be made aware of Jamberry Nails. Go connect with them and leave the whole “overcoming objections” thing to salespeople.

More than likely, most of the time, she's going to say Yes. She does know of some women who would be interested in Jamberry Nails. If she says Yes, she is inviting you into a conversation about the nails. The nails have her interested, so don't be afraid to talk it through. In that case, you say this: “If I would come to your house and do all the work, would you get some of your friends together for a fun party where we can try them out? We have great free stuff for women who host parties.”

At this point, she could say No for any number of reasons. She's already said she knows of some people who would be interested. So if she refuses to have a party, it's for some other reason. It could be she thinks her house is too small or not fancy enough. It could be that she doesn't get along with everyone she knows who would be interested. It could be she's just shy. It could be that all her friends live far away. Or it could be that she can only think of one or two people and doesn't want to waste your time. The simplest and least offensive and most efficient way of finding out is to say, “Can I ask why not?”

When she tells you her reason, offer a solution. There's only so many possible reasons. If she's embarrassed of her home, find out if there is another venue or offer to do a Facebook party for her. If that won't work, ask her if another friend might host it for her and split the rewards. If her friends all live far away, offer to do a Facebook party for her and ask for referrals to her friends far away (they might be great future contacts and have parties of their own!). If she's concerned it's just a couple people, offer to do it anyway (you don't know what could come from it, and the odds are she knows far more people than she thinks). If she's too shy to ask her friends, offer to help her do the invites.

Basically, work through a solution if she's willing to talk it out. Get her contact information and offer to send her a hostess packet to explore the idea further. If she's not willing to do a party at all, offer her a catalog and ask for a referral. What can it hurt? She's already said she has some people in mind. She might even become a retail customer. Then let her go about her day and find someone who can't live without Jamberry Nails. Easy.

If she says Yes, and the odds are very good that she'll at least explore the idea, then book a date, get her contact information and send her a hostess packet. You have a party booked where you will get to share your amazing nail wraps and your business opportunity with people you've probably never met before, and you didn't even have to gather them up into a room! And each and every woman who comes to a party has the potential to be another you – someone who just can't live without Jamberry Nails and is in love with the business opportunity it has offered. And your paycheck goes up.

Sometimes you'll deliberately go out with the intention of making new contacts for your business and the above script works in that scenario if there's time enough to talk. Other times you'll be out doing other things and a “conversation of opportunity” springs up. Perhaps a checkout person asks about them. In that case, just say something like, “They're called Jamberry Nails and I get paid to wear them! In fact, women all over the country are loving them. Now's not the best time to talk about it, but I'd love to give you some time to discuss them. What's the best number to get a hold of you?” and pull out your phone. Get her contact information and put her on your list when you get home. Contact her again and discuss booking a party with her.

In this post, we've seen something of a role-play or a script. That's just to help us organize our thoughts. The important thing to get across to anyone about our business is our unwavering belief in our products, our unquenchable enthusiasm for our business opportunity, and our confidence in our ability to be successful. The reason we need to do mental roleplaying or run through a mental script is because talking to people is a skill and many of us haven't spent any time developing it. Scripts get us leaning in the right direction so that if we stumble over words, at least we fall forward!

Even though roleplaying an initial contact can be beneficial, it's important to remember that this business is about timing. We can't worry about saying the wrong thing to the right people. If people fall in love with our products OR are ready to embrace a new life-changing business opportunity, then we can't stop them from moving forward, no matter how dreadfully we fumble over our words.

On the other hand, if people have no interest in our products OR no desire to change their lives, then there are no magic words to make them change. So we don't have to worry about saying the right things to the wrong people, either. We don't want people in our business who we had to pressure to get in. They'll end up wasting our time and it won't be their fault it happened. It will be our fault for trying to use other people to get what we want instead of serving them.

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